Order: Passeriformes | Family: Passerellidae | IUCN Status: Least Concern
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Gachala, Colombia
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Manu Road, Cuzco
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. San Martin, Peru
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Satipo Road, Junin
Status: The Common Chlorospingus is fairly common in the canopy and subcanopy of montane forests on the east slope of the Andes at elevations ranging between 1200-2600 m. It also occurs in Co, Ec, and Bo.
Name in Spanish: Chlorospingo Común.
Sub-species: Common Chlorospingus (Chlorospingus flavopectus phaeocephalus), P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1877. Both slopes of Andes in Ecuador.
(C. f. hiaticolus), O’Neill and T. A. Parker, 1981. Andes of N Peru (S to Pasco).
(C. f. cinereocephalus) Taczanowski, 1874. Andes of C Peru (Junín, probably also N Cuzco).
(C. f. peruvianus), Carriker, 1933. Andes of S Peru (Cuzco and Puno).
Meaning of Name: Chlorospingus: Gr. khloros= green and spingos= a form of spinos probably identical to a spiza finch. flavopectus: L. flavus yellow, golden-yellow and pectus, pectoris= breast.
- Species range based on: Schulenberg, T. S., D. F. Stotz, and L. Rico. 2006. Distribution maps of the birds of Peru, version 1.0. Environment, Culture & Conservation (ECCo). The Field Museum. http://fm2.fieldmuseum.org/uw_test/birdsofperu on 03/01/2016.