Order: Gruiformes | Family: Rallidae | IUCN Status: Least Concern
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonia, Ecuador
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonia, Ecuador
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. No data
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. No data
Identification & Behavior: ~13.5 cm (5.3 in). The Gray-breasted Crake has rufous nape, back of the neck, and upper back. The rest of the upperparts are brown. The sides of head neck and breast are gray with greenish legs. The flanks and vent are black with whitish bands. It favors wet grasses. It is similar to Paint-billed Crake but has rufous nape, back of the neck, and upper back, and greenish legs and bill. It is also similar to Black-rail, but their ranges do not overlap. Also, see the much larger Ash-throated Crake.
Status: The Gray-breasted Crake is common in the wet, tall grass that surrounds oxbow lakes, creeks and rivers of the Amazonian lowlands. It also occurs in Co, Ec, Br, and Bo.
Name in Spanish: Gallineta de Pecho Gris.
Sub-species: Gray-breasted Crake (Laterallus exilis) Temminck, 1831.
Meaning of Name: Laterallus: L. lateralis, latus= side, with the sides and rallus=specific name for genus Rallus. exilis: L. exilis= small, slender.
Distribution Map
- Species range based on: Schulenberg, T. S., D. F. Stotz, and L. Rico. 2006. Distribution maps of the birds of Peru, version 1.0. Environment, Culture & Conservation (ECCo). The Field Museum. http://fm2.fieldmuseum.org/uw_test/birdsofperu on 01/01/2015.