The lists below include the 50 species of southern or Austral migratory species in Peru as either non-breeders, hypothetical, or vagrant. Over half (54%) of these species belong to the Family Tyrannidae (Flycatchers). Other bird families are represented in smaller proportions.
Southern or Austral migratory species that occur in Peru as non-breeders
True Austral Migrants | ||
Andean Flamingo | Parina Grande | Phoenicoparrus andinus |
James’s (Puna) Flamingo | Parina Chica | Phoenicoparrus jamesi |
Gray Gull | Gaviota Gris | Leucophaeus modestus |
Dark-billed Cuckoo | Cuclillo de Pico Oscuro | Coccyzus melacoryphus |
Nacunda Nighthawk | Chotacabras de Vientre Blanco | Chordeiles nacunda |
Little Nightjar | Chotacabras Chico | Setopagis parvula |
Greenish Elaenia | Fío-Fío Verdoso | Myiopagis viridicata |
Large Elaenia | Fío-Fío Grande | Elaenia spectabilis |
Small-billed Elaenia | Fío-Fío de Pico Chico | Elaenia parvirostris |
Slaty Elaenia | Fío-Fío Pizarroso | Elaenia strepera |
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet | Mosquerito Silbador | Camptostoma obsoletum |
Subtropical Doradito | Doradito Subtropical | Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis |
Southern Scrub-Flycatcher | Moscareta Matorralera Sureña | Sublegatus modestus |
Plain Tyrannulet | Inezia Simple | Inezia inornata |
Euler’s Flycatcher | Mosquerito de Euler | Lathrotriccus euleri |
Vermilion Flycatcher | Mosquero Bermellón | Pyrocephalus rubinus |
Yellow-browed Tyrant | Tirano de Ceja Amarilla | Satrapa icterophrys |
Cinereous Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona Cinérea | Muscisaxicola cinereus |
Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona de Nuca Ocrácea | Muscisaxicola flavinucha |
Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona de Nuca Rojiza | Muscisaxicola rufivertex |
Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona de Cara Oscura | Muscisaxicola maclovianus |
White-browed Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona de Ceja Blanca | Muscisaxicola albilora |
Cinnamon bellied Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona de Vientre Canela | Muscisaxicola capistratus |
Black-fronted Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona de Frente Negra | Muscisaxicola frontalis |
Black-backed Water-Tyrant | Tirano-de-Agua de Dorso Negro | Fluvicola albiventer |
Streaked Flycatcher | Mosquero Rayado | Myiodynastes maculatus |
Variegated Flycatcher | Mosquero Variegado | Empidonomus varius |
Crowned Slaty Flycatcher | Mosquero-Pizarroso Coronado | Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus |
White-throated Kingbird | Tirano de Garganta Blanca | Tyrannus albogularis |
Fork-tailed Flycatcher | Tijereta Sabanera | Tyrannus savana |
Rufous Casiornis | Casiornis Rufo | Casiornis rufus |
Swainson’s Flycatcher | Copetón de Swainson | Myiarchus swainsoni |
Crested Becard | Cabezón Crestado | Pachyramphus validus |
Blue-and-white Swallow | Golondrina Azul y Blanca | Pygochelidon cyanoleuca |
Brown-chested Martin | Martín de Pecho Pardo | Progne tapera |
Southern Martin | Martín Sureño | Progne elegans |
White-rumped Swallow | Golondrina de Lomo Blanco | Tachycineta leucorrhoa |
Creamy-bellied Thrush | Zorzal de Vientre Cremoso | Turdus amaurochalinus |
Grassland Yellow-Finch | Chirigüe Común | Sicalis luteola |
Lesson’s Seedeater | Espiguero de Lesson | Sporophila bouvronides |
Lined Seedeater | Espiguero Lineado | Sporophila lineola |
Double-collared Seedeater | Espiguero Doble Acollarado | Sporophila caerulescens |
Most birds in Peru are sedentary living their lives within only a few kilometers from the site they hatched. A small group of sedentary species has populations (or subspecies) that are also migratory. The resident forms can be either restricted to a small area in the country or widespread. These species experience changes in abundance and apparent range expansion largely due to the influx of wintering individuals of the migratory form.
List of species that are breeding residents in Peru and also have a migratory population or subspecies
Greenish Elaenia | Fío-Fío Verdoso | Myiopagis viridicata |
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet | Mosquerito Silbador | Camptostoma obsoletum |
Subtropical Doradito | Doradito Subtropical | Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis |
Southern Scrub-Flycatcher | Moscareta Matorralera Sureña | Sublegatus modestus |
Euler’s Flycatcher | Mosquerito de Euler | Lathrotriccus euleri |
Vermilion Flycatcher | Mosquero Bermellón | Pyrocephalus rubinus |
Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant | Dormilona de Nuca Rojiza | Muscisaxicola rufivertex |
Streaked Flycatcher | Mosquero Rayado | Myiodynastes maculatus |
Swainson’s Flycatcher | Copetón de Swainson | Myiarchus swainsoni |
Crested Becard | Cabezón Crestado | Pachyramphus validus |
Blue-and-white Swallow | Golondrina Azul y Blanca | Pygochelidon cyanoleuca |
Brown-chested Martin | Martín de Pecho Pardo | Progne tapera |
Grassland Yellow-Finch | Chirigüe Común | Sicalis luteola |