Banded Antbird (Dichrozona cincta)

Order: Passeriformes | Family: Thamnophilidae | IUCN Status: Least Concern

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Acre, Brazil

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonian Colombia

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonian Colombia

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonian Ecuador

Identification & Behavior: ~10 cm (4 in). The Banded Antbird has brown top of the head and back. The wings are black with two broad buffy bars. The sides of the head and underparts are grayish and white. It has broad black streaks and spots on the breast. It has relatively long legs and a short dark tail with whiter outer tail feathers. It forages on the ground generally alone. The plumage pattern is unmistakable but see Ringed Antpipit.

Status: The Banded Antbird is rare and widespread in Amazonia where it is known to range up to 900 m along the foothill of the Andes. It also occurs in Co, Ec, Br, and Bo.

Name in Spanish: Hormiguerito Bandeado.

Sub-species: Banded Antbird (Dichrozona cincta), (Pelzeln), 1868.

Meaning of Name: Dichrozona: Gr. Di= double, khroia= colour and zone= belt, girdle. cincta: L. cinctus= girdled, belted, wreathed, banded.

See more of the Family Thamnophilidae  peru aves

Distribution Mapbanded antbirdVoice
