Order: Passeriformes | Family: Thamnophilidae | IUCN Status: Least Concern
Age: Adult | Sex: Female | Loc. Amazonian, Brazil
Age: Adult | Sex: Male | Loc. No Data
Age: Adult | Sex: Male | Loc. Manaus, Brazil
Age: Adult | Sex: Male | Loc. Sucumbios, Ecuador
Status: The Rufous-backed Stiplethroat is uncommon in northern Amazonia but becomes rare and local towards the southern part of Amazonia in Peru. It appears not to range as far west as the foothill of the Andes. The Rufous-backed Stiplethroat also occurs in Co, Ec, Br, and Bo.
Name in Spanish: Hormiguerito de Garganta Punteada.
Sub-species: Rufous-backed Stiplethroat (Epinecrophylla haematonota pyrrhonota), (P. L. Sclater and Salvin), 1873. SE Colombia (near base of Andes S from Meta, and E Vaupés), S Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolívar E to R Caroní drainage), extreme NE Ecuador (Sucumbios), NE Peru (Loreto N of R Napo and R Amazon) and NW Brazil (R Negro drainage and N Roraima).
(Epinecrophylla haematonota haematonota), (P. L. Sclater), 1857. E Peru S of R Napo and Amazon (Loreto S to Madre de Dios) and W Brazil (extreme SW Amazonas, Acre).
Meaning of Name: Epinecrophylla: Gr. Epi= on, nekros= dead and phullon= leaf. In reference to search for insects on dead hanging leaves. haematonota: Gr. haima, haimatos= blood and notos, noton= backed, back.
- Species range based on: Schulenberg, T. S., D. F. Stotz, and L. Rico. 2006. Distribution maps of the birds of Peru, version 1.0. Environment, Culture & Conservation (ECCo). The Field Museum. http://fm2.fieldmuseum.org/uw_test/birdsofperu on 03/01/2017.