Rufous-winged Antwren (Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus)

Order: Passeriformes | Family: Thamnophilidae | IUCN Status: Least Concern

Age: Adult | Sex: Male | Loc. Southern Brazil

Age: Adult | Sex: Female | Loc. Southern Brazil

Age: Adult | Sex: Male | Loc. Southern Brazil

Age: Adult | Sex: Male | Loc. Afluente, San Martin

Identification & Behavior: ~11.5 cm (4.5 in). The male Rufous-winged Antwren has a black cap bordered by a broad white supercilium. The back is grayish. The wing coverts are black with two white wing bars. The underparts are yellowish. The tail feathers are tipped with large white spots. The female is similar but has a rufous crown. Both sexes have the flight feathers broadly edged with rufous forming a rufous panel on the wing. It forages in the canopy of humid montane forests. The prominent rufous panel sets it apart from other Herpsilochmus antwrens. It is more likely to be confused with the similarly-plumaged Rufous-winged Tyrannulet.

Status: The Rufous-winged Antwren is fairly common to in montane forests and adjacent ridges and lowlands on the east slope of the Andes at elevations ranging between 350-1300 m. It also occurs in Co, Ec, Br, and Bo.

Name in Spanish: Hormiguerito de Ala Rufa.

Sub-species: Rufous-winged Antwren (Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus frater), P. L. Sclater and Salvin, 1880.

Meaning of Name: Herpsilochmus: Gr. Herpo= to creep about and lokhme= thicket, copse. rufimarginatus: L. rufus= rufous and marginatus= marginned, bordered.

See more of the Family Thamnophilidae  peru aves

Distribution Maprufous-winged antwren
