Yellow-scarfed Tanager (Iridosornis reinhardti)

Order: Passeriformes | Family: Thraupidae  | IUCN Status: Least Concern

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonas, Peru

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonas, Peru

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonas, Peru

Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. Amazonas, Peru

Identification & Behavior: ~16 cm (6.5 in). The Yellow-scarfed Tanager is all bright blue with a black head and a bright golden band across the head from ear to ear. The undertail coverts are blue. It forages in pairs or alone in montane humid scrub and elfin forests. It is similar to the Golden-collared Tanager but is distinguished by having bright blue underparts and different head pattern. There is no range overlap with the Golden-crowned Tanager.

Status: Endemic. The Yellow-scarfed Tanager is fairly common in montane scrub and elfin forests of the east slope of the Andes, on the south and east side of the Marañon Valley. It ranges at elevations ranging between 2000-3700 m.

Name in Spanish: Tangara de Bufanda Amarilla.

Sub-species: Yellow-scarfed Tanager (Iridosornis reinhardti), (P. L. Sclater), 1865.

Meaning of Name: Iridosornis: Gr. iris, iridos= rainbow and ornis, ornithos= bird.
reinhardti: In honor of Johannes Theodor Reinhardt (1816-1882) Danish zoologist.

See more of the Family Thraupidae   peru aves

Distribution Map


    • Species range based on: Schulenberg, T. S., D. F. Stotz, and L. Rico. 2006. Distribution maps of the birds of Peru, version 1.0. Environment, Culture & Conservation (ECCo). The Field Museum. on 03/01/2016.