Authors Starting with Letter M – Years 1590-2000

Bibliography of the Birds of Peru
Last Name Starts with Letter M


Macedo R., Hernando de
1964. Curieux cas de nidification du Buteo poecilochrous Gurney sur Puya raimondii. L’Oiseau et la Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 34: 200-203.

1978. Redécouverte du Cracidé Penelope albipennis dans les forêts sèches du nord-ouest du Pérou. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences. Série D. Sciences naturelles, Paris, 287: 265-267.

1979a. Redescubrimiento de la Pava Aliblanca Penelope albipennis Taczanowski 1877. Boletín de Lima, no. 1: 5-11.
1979b. ‘Extinct’ bird found in Peru. Oryx, 15: 33-37. Macera, Pablo, Arturo Jiménez Borja, and Irma Franke
1997. Trujillo del Perú. Baltazar Jaime Martínez Compañón. Acuarelas – Siglo XVIII. Fundación del Banco Continental, Ausonia S. A., Lima, Perú, pp. 1-254.

MacFarlane, J. R. H.
1887. Notes on birds in the western [=eastern] Pacific, made in H. M. S. ‘Constance,’ 1883-1885.
Ibis, (5) 5: 201-215.

Machaca B., Eufemia
1989. Estudio preliminar de avifauna en la laguna de Piuray. Tesis para optar el título de Biólogo, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco, Perú, 51 pp.

Madge, Steve, and Hilary Burn
1987. Wildfowl: an identification guide to the ducks, geese and swans of the World. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, pp. 1-298.

1994. Crows and jays: a guide to the crows, jays and magpies of the World. Hougton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, pp. i-xxiii, 1-191.

Maijer, Sjoerd
1998. Rediscovery of Hylopezus (macularius) auricularis: distinctive song and habitat indicate species rank. Auk, 115: 1072-1073.

Maijer, Sjoerd, and Jon Fjeldså
1997. Description of a new Cranioleuca spinetail from Bolivia and a “leapfrog pattern” of geographic variation in the genus. Ibis, 139: 606-616.

Maisch, Carlos
1930-1931. Apuntes sobre la fauna de Lima. Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Lima, 47: 65-72; 48: 1-44.

1935. La fauna de Lima. Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Lima, 52: 97-134.
1946. Las aves del guano peruano. Boletín del Museo de Historia Natural “Javier Prado” [Lima], 10 (36-37): 103-133.

Majluf, Patricia
1996. Protección de las puntas e islas guaneras en la costa peruana: primer paso hacia un sistema de reservas marino-costeras. In Diversidad biológica del Perú: zonas prioritarias para su conservación (Lily O. Rodríguez, Ed.). Ministerio de Agricultura, Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA), Proyecto Fanpe GTZ – INRENA, Lima, pp. 105-107.

Málaga A., Ernesto
2000. Diversidad, patrones de distribución y una lista de las aves de la región Arequipa. In Ecología y desarollo sostenible: reto de América Latina para el tercer milenio. Memoria del IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Ecología (1998), Arequipa, Peru, pp. 215-217.

Maldonado D., L. Daniel, and Celinda Fonkén L.
1991. Estudio de la fauna de la cuenca colectora media alta del Lago Parón, Parque Nacional del Huascarán. Boletín de Lima, no. 78: 57-66.

Malherbe, Alfred
1848-1849. Nouvelle classification des Picinées ou Pics, devant servir de base à une monographie de ces oiseaux grimpeurs. Mémoires de l’Académie Nationale de Metz, 30: 313-367.

1850. Description de quelques espèces de Picinées; (genus Picus, Linn). Revue et Magasin de Zoologie [Paris], (2) 2: 154-158.
1857. Descriptions de quelques grimpeurs du genre Linnéen Picus. Bulletin de la Société d’histoire naturelle du Département de la Moselle, 8e cahier, pp. 1-20.

1859-1862. Monographie des Picidées ou histoire naturelle des Picidés, Picumninés, Yuncinés ou Torcols comprenant dans la première partie L’origine mythologique, les moeurs, les migrations, l’anatomie, la physiologie, la répartition géographique, les divers systèmes de classification de ces oiseaux grimpeurs zygodactyles, ainsi qu’un dictionnaire alphabétique des auteurs et des ouvrages cités par abréviation; dans la deuxième partie, la synonymie, la description en latin et en français, l’histoire de chaque espèce ainsi qu’un dictionnaire alphabétique et synonymique latin de toutes les espèces. Jules Verronais, Metz, 1: i-lxx, 1- 214; 2: 1-315 + 1, 5 ll.; 3: 1-8, pll. I-LXI; 4: 1-6, pll. LXII-CXXI.

Mallet, James, and Nicholas H. Barton
1989. Strong natural selection in a warning-color hybrid zone. Evolution, 43: 421-431.

Malling Olsen, Klaus, and Hans Larsson
1997. Skuas and jaegers: a guide to the skuas and jaegers of the World. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, pp. 1-190.

Mapes, G.
1969. Peru’s guano industry is imperiled as flocks of cormorants shrink. Wall Street Journal, September 3.

Marantz, Curtis A.
1992. Evolutionary implications of vocal and morphological variation in the woodcreeper genus Dendrocolaptes (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae). Master of Science Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, pp. i-xiii, 1-188.

1997. Geographic variation of plumage patterns in the woodcreeper genus Dendrocolaptes (Dendrocolaptidae). In Studies in Neotropical ornithology honoring Ted Parker (J. V. Remsen, Jr., Ed.). Ornithological Monographs, no. 48: 399-429.

Marantz, Curtis A., and J. V. Remsen, Jr.
1991. Seasonal distribution of the Slaty Elaenia, a little-known austral migrant of South America.
Journal of Field Ornithology,62: 162-172.

Marchant, Stephen
1958. The birds of the Santa Elena Peninsula, S. W. Ecuador. Ibis, 100: 349-387.

Marín, Manuel
1997. Species limits and distribution of some New World spine-tailed swifts (Chaetura spp.). In Studies in Neotropical ornithology honoring Ted Parker (J. V. Remsen, Jr., Ed.). Ornithological Monographs, no. 48: 431-443.

2000. Species limits, distribution, and biogeography of some New World Gray-rumped Spine-tailed swifts (Chaetura, Apodidae). Ornitología Neotropical, 11: 93-107.

Marks, Jeffrey S., Richard J. Cannings, and Heimo Mikkola
1999. Family Strigidae (Typical Owls). In Handbook of the birds of the World (Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and Jordi Sargatal, Eds.). Barn-owls to Hummingbirds. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona [Spain], 5: 76-243.

Mármol B., Andrés E.
1976. Notas preliminares sobre la distribución geográfica y otros datos de las Catártidas (Aves: Falconiformes) del Perú: especial referencia a la región de la selva. Conocimiento [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, Iquitos, Perú], 1 (2): 64-66.

Marra, Peter P.
1989. Habitat selection in understory birds of tropical and temperate forests. Master of Science Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, pp. i-xiv, 1-239.

1990. Nest, eggs, and young of the Green-and-gold Tanager, with notes on timing of breeding.
Wilson Bulletin, 102: 346-348.

Marra, Peter P., and J. V. Remsen, Jr.
1997. Insights into the maintenance of high species diversity in the neotropics: habitat selection and foraging behavior in understory birds of tropical and temperate forests. In Studies in Neotropical ornithology honoring Ted Parker (J. V. Remsen, Jr., Ed.). Ornithological Monographs, no. 48: 445-483.

Marshall, Charles Henry Tillson, and George Frederick Leycester Marshall
1870-1871. A monograph of the Capitonidae or scansorial barbets. Published by the authors, London pp. i-xli, 91 ll., 73 pll.

Marshall, Joe T., Robert A. Behrstock, and Claus König
1991. {Review of} Voices of New World nightjars and their allies (Caprimulgiformes: Steatornithidae, Nyctibiidae; and Caprimulgidae). ARA-15. One standard cassette. ARA Records, 1989. Voices of the New World owls (Strigiformes: Tytonidae; Strigidae). ARA-16. One standard cassette. ARA records, 1990. Both by John William Hardy, Ben B. Coffey, Jr., and George B. Reynard, P. O. Box 12347, Gainesville, Florida. Wilson Bulletin, 103: 311- 315.

Martell, Mark S., Michael J. Kennedy, Charles J. Henny, and Peter E. Nye
1998. Highway to the tropics: using satellite telemetry and the internet to track ospreys in the western hemisphere. In Proceedings of the International Seminar: Migrating birds know no boundries. Scientific and education aspects of migrating bird conservation (Yossi Leshem, Esther Lachman, and Peter Berthold (Eds.). International Center for the Study of Bird Migration at Latrun and Israel Ornithology Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, pp. 163-172.

Martínez, Isabel
1992. Family Spheniscidae (Penguins). In Handbook of the birds of the World (Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and Jordi Sargatal, Eds.). Ostrich to Ducks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona [Spain], 1: 140-161.

Martínez-Vilata, Albert, and Anna Motis
1992. Family Ardeidae (Herons). In Handbook of the birds of the World (Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and Jordi Sargatal, Eds.). Ostrich to Ducks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona [Spain], 1: 376- 429.

Mateo, Enrique, Rosa Córdova, and Edmundo Guzmán L.
1982. Polymorphus (Profilicollis) bullocki, nueva especie de acantocéfalo hallado en la gaviota Larus belcheri, en el Perú. Boletín de Lima, no. 24: 73-78.

Matheu, Eloïsa, and Josep del Hoyo
1992. Family Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills). In Handbook of the birds of the World (Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and Jordi Sargatal, Eds.). Ostrich to Ducks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona [Spain], 1: 472-507.

Mathews, Andrew
1834. Information on the habits of a species of Caprimúlgus (or of some closely allied genus) which inhabits the neighbourhood of Lima. Loudon’s Magazine of Natural History, 7: 633-637. [Also known as The Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology]

Mathews, Gregory M.
1912. The birds of Australia. Witherby & Company, London 2: i-xiv, 1-527.
1933. Description of a new subspecies of Shy Mollymawk: Diomedella cauta peruvia. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 53: 185.
1934. A check-list of the order Procellariiformes. Novitates Zoologicae, 39: 151-206.

Mathews, Nigel J. C., and Richard K. Brooke
1988. Notes on the foraging behavior of the Zigzag Heron. Wilson Bulletin, 100: 147-148. [Abstract in English and Spanish. In Centro de Datos para la Conservación-Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (1995).]

Matos G., José G.
1974. Las aves del valle del Cuzco. Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, Programa de Ciencias Biológicas, Programa Académico, Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cuzco, Cuzco, Perú, pp. 1-249.

Mattos, Jean, and Mirko Fernández
2000. Composición de la avifauna por zonas de vida en El Parque Nacional Río Abiseo. Libro de Resúmenes, IX Reunión Científica, Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias Biológicas “Antonio Raimondi” (ICBAR), Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos [Lima], p. 54.

Mayaute, J. Octavio
1927. Contribución al estudio de los Anseriformes peruanos. Tesis de Doctorado, Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú, pp. 1-40.

Maynard, Emily (Ed.)
1998. An Oxford University expedition to the high altitude Polylepis forests of the Cordillera Huayhuash, central Peru. Published by the author, Letchworth, Herts, United Kingdom, pp. 1-98.

Mayr, Ernst
1957. New species of birds described from 1941 to 1955. Journal für Ornithologie, 98: 22-35.
1971. New species of birds described from 1956 to 1965. Journal für Ornithologie, 112: 302-316. 1979. Order Struthioniformes. In Check-list of birds of the World (Ernst Mayr and G. William
Cottrel, Eds.). Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Second edition, 1: 5-6.

Mayr, Ernst, and G. William Cottrel (Eds.) 1979. See Peters (1979a).

Mayr, Ernst, and James C. Greenway, Jr. (Eds.) 1960. See Peters (1960).

1962. See Peters (1962).

Mayr, Ernst, and Raymond A. Paynter, Jr. (Eds.) 1964. See Peters (1964).

Mayr, Ernst, and François Vuilleumier
1983. New species of birds described from 1966 to 1975. Journal für Ornithologie, 124: 217-232.

Mazar Barnett, Juan, and Guy Kirwan (Compilers)
1999. Neotropical Notebook: Peru. Cotinga, no. 11: 102-103.

McDowell, E.
1979. Swallows jam Peruvian plaza. New York Times, July 17.

McElroy, Harry
1987. A falcon for the bush. Hawk Chalk [Official Newsletter Magazine of the North American Falconers Association], 26: 28-35.

McGahan, Jerry
1971a. The status of the Andean Condor in Peru. Bulletin of the International Council for Bird Preservation, 11: 127-132.

1971b. The Condor, soaring spirit of the Andes. National Geographic Magazine, 139: 684-709.
1972. Behavior and ecology of the Andean Condor. Parts I-III. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. i-xv, 1-304.
1973a. Gliding flight of the Andean Condor in nature. Journal of Experimental Biology, 58: 225-237. 1973b. Flapping flight of the Andean Condor in nature. Journal of Experimental Biology, 58: 239-

McNutt, J. Weldon, David H. Ellis, César Peres Garat, Terry B. Roundy, W. Guillermo Vásina, and Clayton M. White
1988. Distribution and status of the Peregrine Falcon in South America. In Peregrine Falcon populations: Their management and recovery (Tom J. Cade, James H. Enderson, Carl G. Thelander, and Clayton M. White, Eds.). The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho, pp. 237- 249.

Meede, Ute
1980. Rabengeir-wohlgelitten. Kosmos [Stuttgart], 76: 431-433.

Mees, Gerlof F.
1987. The juvenile plumage, systematic position, and range of Synallaxis macconnelli Chubb (Aves, Furnariidae). Proceedings Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, C 90: 303-309.

Meeth, P., and K. Meeth
1977. Blue Petrels Halobaena caerulea off Peru. Ardea, 65: 90-91.

1983. Seabird observations from six Pacific Ocean crossings. Sea Swallow [Royal Naval Birdwatching Society, England], 32: 58-65.

Meinertzhagen, Annie C.
1924. A review of the genus Burhinus. Ibis, (11) 6: 329-356.

1926. A review of the subfamily Scolopacinae. Part 1. The snipes and semi-woodcocks. Ibis, (12) 2: 477-521.

Meinertzhagen, Richard
1925. The distribution of the phalaropes. Ibis (12) 1: 325-344.

Meise, Wilhelm
1938a. Fortschritte der ornithologischen Systematik seit 1920. In F. C. R. Jourdain (Ed.), Proceedings of the VIIIth International Ornithological Congress, Oxford [UK]. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 49-189.

1938b. Exposition de Types d’oiseaux nouvellement décrits au Muséum de Paris. In Jean Delacour (Ed.), IXe Congrès Ornithologique International, Rouen [France]. Rouen, Secrètariat du Congress, pp. 46-51.

1964. Zur Systematik und Evolution amerikanischer Stachelschwanzsegler der Gattung Chaetura. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut (Kosswig- Festschrift), 61: Supplement 95-106.

Mejía, Jorge, and Luis A. Poma E.
1966. Informe preliminar del Crucero de Otoño 1966 (Cabo Blanco-Ilo). Informe Instituto del Mar del Perú [Callao], no. 13: 1-31.

Mejía P., Eduardo
2000. Evaluacion de las comunidades de aves en los bofedales de Toccra – Arequipa 1998 – 1999. Tesis de Biólogo, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Arequipa, Perú, pp. [4] 1-73.

Meléndez S., Victor E.
1973. La familia Ardeidae y sus representantes en Trujillo (Perú). Trabajo de habilitación presentado para el Concurso de Ascenso de Categoría (Profesor Asociado), Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo, Perú, pp. [2] 1-38 [11].

1976. Caprimulgidos de la Provincia de Trujillo (Perú). Tesis para optar el Grado de Bachiller en Ciencias Biológicas, Programa Académico de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo, Perú, pp. 1-24.

1981. Algunas aves accidentarias en la costa del departamento de La Libertad, Perú. Trabajo de habilitación, Programa Académico de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo, Perú, pp. 1-15 [4].

Ménégaux, Auguste
1909. Étude d’une collection d’oiseaux provenant des hauts plateaux de la Bolivie et du Pérou méridional. Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, (10) 1: 205-229.

1910a. Étude d’une collection d’oiseaux provenant des hauts plateaux de la Bolivie et du Pérou méridional. Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 1 (9): 132-138. [Mis-numbered as pp. 122-128 in journal]
1910b. Étude d’une collection d’oiseaux du Pérou. Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 1 (20): 318-322. 1910c. Étude d’une collection d’oiseaux du Pérou. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
[Paris], 16: 359-367.

1911a. Étude d’une collection d’oiseaux du Pérou. Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 2 (21): 8-11. 1911b. Rev. Franç. d’Ornith., 3, p. 11. See Ménégaux (1911a).
1912. Rev. Franç. d’Ornith., 2, p. 8. See Ménégaux (1911a). 1917. Rev. Franç. d’Ornith., 2, p. 8. See Ménégaux (1911a).
Ménégaux, Auguste, and Carl E. Hellmayr
1905. Études des espèces critiques et des types du groupe des Passereaux trachéophones de l’Amérique tropicale, appartenant aux collections du Muséum. I et II. Conopophagidés et Hylactidés. Bulletin du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle [Paris], 11: 372-381.

1906a. Études des espèces critiques et des types du groupe des Passereaux trachéophones de l’Amérique tropicale, appartenant aux collections du Muséum. III. Dendrocolaptidés. Mémoire de la Société d’histoire naturelle d’Autun, 19: 43-126.

1906b. Études des espèces critiques et des types du groupe des Passereaux trachéophones de l’Amérique tropicale, appartenant aux collections du Muséum. IV. Formicariidés. Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, (9) 8: 24-58.

1906c. Études des espèces critiques et des types du groupe des Passereaux trachéophones de l’Amérique tropicale, appartenant aux collections du Muséum. Imprimerie et Librairie Dejussieu, Autun, pp. 1-86. [Repaged reprint from the Mémoire de la Société d’histoire naturelle d’Autun]
Mertens, Robert, and Joachim Steinbacher
1955. Die im Senckenberg-Museum vorhandenen Arten ausgestorbener, aussterbender oder seltener Vögel. Senckenbergiana Biologica, 36: 241-265.

Meyen, F. J. F.
1833. Nov. Act., 16, Suppl., p. 121. See Meyen (1834).

1834. Beiträge zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesariae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum (Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher), Breslau and Bonn, 16, Supplement 1: 1-312.

Meyer, Adolph Bernhard
1890. Pelecanis Molinae Gray. Journal für Ornithologie, 38: 165-167.

Meyer de Schauensee, Rodolphe
1941. Rare and extinct birds in the collections of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 93: 281-324.

1942. A new Muscisaxicola from Colombia. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 98: 1-2.

1944a. Notes on Colombian parrots. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 140: 1-5.

1944b. Notes on Colombian birds, with a description of a new form of Zenaida. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 144: 1-4.

1945a. Notes on Colombian antbirds, ovenbirds, and woodhewers, with the description of a new form from Peru. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 153: 1-15.

1945b. Notes on Buteo magnirostris, with a description of a new form from Peru. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 156; 1-4.

1945c. Notes on Colombian birds. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 97: 1-16.

1945d. Notes on Colombian flycatchers, manakins and cotingas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 97: 41-57.

1946a. Colombian zoological survey. Part II.- Notes on Colombian crows, wrens and swallows.
Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 161: 1-14.

1946b. Colombian zoological survey. Part IV.- Further notes on Colombian birds, with the description of new forms. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 167: 1-13.

1947a. New or little-known Colombian birds. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 99: 107-126.

1947b. On the genera Automolus (Furnariidae) and Myrmeciza (Formicariidae) in Colombia. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 186: 1-5.

1950a. Colombian zoological survey. Part V.- New birds from Colombia. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 221: 1-13.
1950b. Colombian zoological survey. Part VII.- A collection of birds from Bolivar, Colombia.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 102: 111-139.

1951a. Colombian zoological survey. Part VIII.- On birds from Nariño, Colombia, with the description of four new subspecies. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 232: 1-6.

1951b. Notes on Ecuadorian birds. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 234: 1-11.

1952a. Colombian zoological survey. Part X. A collection of birds from south-eastern Nariño, Colombia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 104: 1-33.

1952b. A review of the genus Sporophila. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 104: 153-196.

1953. Manakins and cotingas from Ecuador and Peru. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 105: 29-43.

1957. On some avian types, principally Gould’s, in the collection of the Academy. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 109: 123-246.

1966. The species of birds of South America and their distribution. Livingston Publishing Company, Narberth, Pennsylvania, pp. i-xvii, 1-577.

1970a. A review of the South American finch Oryzoborus crassirostris. Notulae Naturae [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia], no. 428: 1-6.

1970b. A guide to the birds of South America. Livingston Publishing Company, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, pp. i-xiv, 1-470.

Millones, Luis, and Richard P. Schaedel
1980. Plumas para el sol: comentarios a un documento sobre cazadores y cotos de caza en el antiguo Peru. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines [Lima], 9 (nos. 1-2): 59-88.

Mills, Eric L.
1967. Bird records from southwestern Ecuador. Ibis, 109: 534-538.

1968. Observations of the Ringed Storm-Petrel off the north-west coast of South America. Condor, 70: 87-88.

Milne-Edwards, Alphonse
1879-1882. Recherches sur la faune des régions australes. Annales des sciences naturelles, zoologie, (6) 9, art, 9: 1-82; (6) 12, art. 7: 1-36; (6) 13, art. 4: 1-64.

Minami, Hiroshi, and Haruo Ogi
1997. Determination of migratory dynamics of the Sooty Shearwater in the Pacific using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 158: 249-256.

Miranda A., Wilson O.
1992. Evaluación preliminar en tres lagunas altoandinas del sureste del Perú. Volante Migratorio [Lima], no. 18: 14.

1993. Distribución temporal de Phalaropus tricolor en la bahía interior de la ciudad de Puno.
Volante Migratorio [Lima], no. 20: 27-29.
1995. Comunidad de aves en tres ecosistemas acuáticos alto andinos de la subregión Puno. Tesis para optar el título de Licenciado en Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Perú, pp. [4] 1-62 [1].

Mischler, Tino C.
1986. Die Avifauna des Rio Lurín bei Cieneguilla, Dep. Lima, Peru. Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 37: 257-279.

Mitchell, Barry
1960. An impression of guano birds off Peru. Sea Swallow, 13: 21.

Mitchell, John D.
1985. Notes on the birds of Lake Titicaca, Department of Puno, Peru. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, Milano, 55: 127-139.

Mones, Alvaro
1986. Palaeovertebrata sudamericana. Catálogo sistemático de los vertebrados fósiles de América del Sur. Parte I. Lista preliminar y bibliografía. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg [Frankfurt, Germany], 82: 1-625.

Monge, Carlos, and Fabiola León-Velarde
1991. Physiological adaptation to high-altitude: oxygen transport in mammals and birds.
Physiological Reviews, 71: 1135-1172.

Monge C., Carlos, Fabiola León-Velarde, and Cynthia Carey
1997. Oxygen transport system of high-altitude bird embryos. News in Physiological Sciences, 12: 121-125. [now Physiology (American Physiological Society)]

Monge C., Carlos, Fabiola León-Velarde, and Grimanesa Gómez de la Torre
1988. Laying eggs at high altitude. News in Physiological Sciences, 3: 69-71. [now Physiology (American Physiological Society)]

Monroe, Burl L., Jr., and Thomas R. Howell
1966. Geographic variation in Middle American parrots of the Amazona ochrocephala complex.
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University, no. 34: 1-18.

Montes de Oca V., Angel A.
1995. Hábitos alimentarios del Suri (Pterocnemia pennata). Tesis para optar el título de Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Perú, pp. [2] 1-58 [14].

Montes G., Carlos
1989. Observaciones sobre la “pava aliblanca” Penelope albipennis Taczanowski, 1877, en Lambayeque. Boletín de Lima, no. 66: 91-95.

Montoya L., Mariana
1995. Metodología para la evaluación de vegetación como habitat para aves en la región Grau (Dpto. Tumbes y Dpto. Piura). Tesis de Biólogo, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú, pp. 1-111.

Moore, Eduardo
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