Order: Passeriformes | Family: Polioptilidae | IUCN Status: Least Concern
Age: Adult | Sex: Unknown | Loc. NW Mato Grosso (R. s. sticturus). Nearest photo available.
Identification & Behavior: ~12 cm (4.7 in). The Chattering Gnatwren has warm brown upperparts. The underparts mostly light brown. It has a long bill and a relatively long tail that the bird constantly cocks and swings in all directions. It has the appearance of a wren. The tail is dark with white tips on the three outer tail feathers. It actively forages for invertebrates in thick vegetation in the upper understory. In Madre de Dios it appears to be associated with bamboo patches. The Chattering Gnatwren was formerly considered a subspecies of the more widespread Trilling Gnatwren. Species status was granted on the basis of differences in vocalization, instances of sympatry between these two forms, and habitat segregation.
Status: The Chattering Gnatwren is uncommon to rare in thick understory, tangled vines, and in bamboo patches in Madre de Dios. It also occurs in Br and Bo.
Name in Spanish: Soterillo Parloteador.
Sub-species: Chattering Gnatwren (Ramphocaenus sticturus obscurus).
Meaning of Name: Ramphocaenus: Gr. rhamphos= beak, and kainos= odd. sticurus: Gr. stiktos= dot, spotted, and urus, oura= tail.
Distribution Map